UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard

The UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard is a globally standardized monitoring and accountability framework that promotes adherence with minimum gender mainstreaming requirements in the work of the UN system at
the country level. The Scorecard was endorsed in 2008 by the United Nations Development Group (now UNSDG) in response to the 2006 UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (CEB/2006/2), which called for a system-wide action plan in order to operationalize the strategy of gender mainstreaming at the entity level and in the field. First known as the Gender Scorecard, its focus originally was on joint processes and institutional arrangements at the country level.
The UN Systemwide Action Plan for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNSWAP) formed the entity-specific part of the accountability framework. In 2018, the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard (UNCT-SWAP) was updated to ensure greater alignment with the UN-SWAP, and to reflect new guidance on common country processes in the context of the repositioning agenda of the United Nations Development System. Both SWAPs were expanded at this stage to cover also development and normative results tied to the SDGs. The mandate for UNCTs to implement the UNCT-SWAP emanates from the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) and ECOSOC Resolutions on gender mainstreaming, which call for accelerating UN efforts to mainstream gender, including through the full implementation of the UNCT-SWAP.