UN Network on Migration launched by United Nations Country Team in Niger
05 mai 2021
Niamey – IOM and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) launched the UN Network on Migration for Niger on Tuesday 4 May 2021. This launch is in line with the United Nations’ commitment to accompanying member states in the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) to which Niger is a signatory.
The Network will be co-chaired by the United Nations Resident Coordinator and the Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Niger. Composed of most United Nations entities in Niger, the Network’s aim is to facilitate effective and coordinated support to the Government of Niger on the strengthening of migration policies, including the implementation, monitoring and review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Thus, the protection of the rights and welfare of migrants will be part of the mandate of all UN agencies in Niger.
Niger joins 11 other countries in the West and Central African region in the establishment of a UN Network on Migration. Globally, 44 Migration Networks have been established since the adoption of the GCM.
“As a signatory of the GCM, the government of Niger recognizes that migration provides immense opportunity and benefits – for the migrants, host communities and communities of origin. Therefore, the UN is committed to support the Government of Niger to implement the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) through Niger’s Migration Policy adopted in July 2020”, said Louise Aubin, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger.
Niger is an important country of origin, transit and destination for migrants. Most of the vulnerable or at-risk migrants that IOM assists in Niger in their transit centres and with assisted voluntary return (AVR) to their country of origin are from the ECOWAS region. Few stay in Niger while many continue their journey at significant personal risks.
“The past years, we have witnessed the efforts that the Government of Niger has made to reinforce its migration management capacity, including the adoption of a national migration policy. This network will facilitate effective and coordinated UN system support in Niger to address the key migration challenges in Niger. As One UN, we will join our forces to make migration safer for the benefit of migrants and host communities alike” said Barbara Rijks, Chief of Mission for IOM in Niger.
Pour plus d’informations veuillez contacter:
Stijn GABRIËL, Project Development & Reporting
Tel: +227 80 06 65 52; Email: sgabriel@iom.int site web : www.iom.int I Facebook I Twitter